Saturday 25 February 2017

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Accounts Locked: Facebook Kicking out the Users from Their Accounts

Facebook is going through the second glitch within a week. The first one took place on February 22nd that put the app down. And numerous complaints appeared in the UK, Europe, and Australia. The outraged users made almost 1000 complaints. According to most, Facebook was totally black out. Just two days after that glitch, another new glitch started with the app to leave users in anger again.
The new issue in Facebook is kicking out the users from their accounts. And they are unable to login back. It affected many of the users on Friday and Saturday leaving them out of their account. Naturally, it created security threats among the affected users. The issue is reported to influence users all across the globe. But the parts that are highly affected are UK, US East Coast, and Western Europe. Around millions of users have faced the issue so far.

The users took it to Twitter to express their indignation over the issue.

However, Facebook has acknowledged the issue quickly. They have also assured stating it is not related to any security breach. Rather this is a small technical glitch and will be fixed soon. A Facebook spokesperson has quoted that, an error in their system designed to prevent suspicious account access has accidentally sent a small set of people to their account recovery flow. And this has raised such kind of issue. However, they have already fixed the issue. And the process of clearing those affected accounts from the recovery flow is going on.

The issue that left Facebook users in outrage sent weird alert messages to them. Some of the users received alert messages that say their messages are being deleted as those were spam. Another alert is also being received by the Facebook users that say, Facebook has locked their account to keep the information safe. They are asked to verify the identity along with changing their password to continue. The message also included that ‘your account will stay hidden till the process is completed’. But users were still in the same situation even after completing all the required processes.

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Another error message said ‘sorry, this feature is not available as of now. An error occurred. Please try again later.’ And finally, users were being sent to the login page. But unfortunately, their account could not be verified.

However, there is nothing much to worry about this issue. And no need for thinking that your account is being hacked. Facebook already acknowledged the issue. They have also confirmed that it is not a security breach. Just some small technical error is contributing to this issue.

Facebook is not alone in the list to go through glitches rather Google too faced the similar situation. Google account engine problem was originated earlier this week. And it has affected various Google services to leave users in annoyance.

Anyways, not to worry much as things will get back to normal soon. And Facebook users will be able to use their accounts just as before without any issue.



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